f.dvla wh ,iaik fjkak lrkafka ke;s fohla keye' úfYaIfhkau ;reK mrmqf¾ Woúh fï ioyd uy;a m%h;akhla orkjd' yenehs uqK ú;rla ,iaik fj,d jevla keye' msßisÿlu lshkafka Bg jvd tyd .sh fohla'
f.dvla fofklaf.a w;a hg l¨ meye úï mj;skjd' mdá tllg hoaÈ " úfYaI wjia:djlÈ ia,Sõ,ia I¾Ü wekafod;ska fyda ;re‚hka w;ahg fmfkk wkaofï weÿï wekafod;ska fï w;a hg l¨ meye .ekaúu fydogu fmakjd' Tn fkdys;=jdg fuh Tnj wmyiq;djhg m;alrkak fjk fya;=jla'
n,kakflda my;ska úkdä 3lska fldfyduo w;ahg l¨ úï bj;a lr.kafka lsh,d'
Dark underarms can occur due to many reasons, but they always cause embarrassment when wearing sleeveless shirts, dressess.There are several tips which can help you get rid of the dark spots under your arms. Health is very important in our life. We bring you latest health tips , beauti tips
Dark shading underarm is a problem for most of the people. Humiliating moments for the people can be made by these dark underarm. It can actually keep the ladies from wearing strapless dresses and sleeveless tops. You can’t also enjoy the most of your pool party with your dark armpits.